Financial Planning


Savings vs Investments: Where To Keep Your Money

Savings vs Investments: Where To Keep Your Money

Choosing between savings and investments is a common issue and one that requires a bit of nuance. Not every solution suits every person, and both have their own set of pros and cons.  From appealing interest rates to which approach will serve you best, what wealth managers think, and more, this article will explore the […]
Breaking Down The Wealth Management Process

Breaking Down The Wealth Management Process

Wealth management (or financial advice) isn’t just for the wealthy, and almost everybody can benefit from professional guidance. Helping you navigate uncertainty and set yourself and your loved ones up for the future, wealth management can provide you with peace of mind. But what does the wealth management process look like, and how can it […]
Understanding the Role of Financial Advisers in Estate Planning Services

Understanding the Role of Financial Advisers in Estate Planning Services

While estate planning services may not be the easiest topic to discuss at the breakfast table, they should be part of your long-term financial plans. This is where the role of a financial adviser is critical, providing opinion, guidance, and advice from a neutral position. As with many financial strategies, it is as much about […]
Finance and Politics: How Might a Change in Government Affect Your Finances?

Finance and Politics: How Might a Change in Government Affect Your Finances?

Nothing is ever certain in the world of finance and politics, but as we approach the 4 July general election, opinion polls suggest a change in government may be imminent. This has prompted many people to approach their financial adviser for guidance – reevaluating their finances and investment strategies. We will now examine the ways […]
What Are the Tax Implications of a Director’s Loan Account?

What Are the Tax Implications of a Director’s Loan Account?

While there are encouraging signs that the UK economy is recovering, there may still be some challenges ahead in the next few months. In these difficult times, many directors will look towards their director’s loan accounts as a form of emergency income as and when required. This is one of the benefits of a limited […]
Tax Freedom Day: Working 169 Days to Pay Taxes

Tax Freedom Day: Working 169 Days to Pay Taxes

You may not have heard of Tax Freedom Day, but one thing is sure: after reading about it, you will recognise the importance of tax planning. In summary, Tax Freedom Day is an annual calculation carried out by the Adam Smith Institute demonstrating how many days a year we need to work to pay our […]
Empowering Future Generations with Financial Education

Empowering Future Generations with Financial Education

Only recently, the UK government announced plans to ensure financial education becomes part of the school curriculum. In reality, elements of financial education have crept into other topics, such as maths, but this topic should stand alone. Even though the authorities are taking the lead concerning schooling, there is still a significant role for parents […]
Adapting Your Financial Goals As You Get Older

Adapting Your Financial Goals As You Get Older

Living today while planning for tomorrow is the eternal financial balancing act. But unless you know what you are trying to achieve, how will you know when you get there?  How would you define financial success?  From the beginning, it is crucial to recognise that your financial goals are not set in stone; they can […]
Boost Your Wealth: Unleashing the Power of Income and Investment Tax Breaks

Boost Your Wealth: Unleashing the Power of Income and Investment Tax Breaks

When looking to maximise your income and investment returns, it is essential to fully use tax allowances and tax breaks. While the government will often tweak and change various elements of the tax system, we have rarely faced the level of change seen since September 2022.  In less than 18 months, we have had a […]
Baby Boomer Generation: The Pros and Cons of Equity Release

Baby Boomer Generation: The Pros and Cons of Equity Release

While potentially struggling to cover general living expenses, many of the so-called baby boomers may have paid off their mortgage and find themselves sitting on a relatively valuable asset, their home. Consequently, there has been growing interest in equity release, but there are several pros and cons to consider before taking action.   Two types […]