

Are you thinking of reducing your personal protection insurance?

Are you thinking of reducing your personal protection insurance?

The UK economy has been under pressure over the last decade after facing several financial challenges. While there have been slight signs of improvement over the last few months, the short-term outlook is still unclear. At the same time, inflation continues to fall from the double digits seen in 2022 and 2023 and is now […]
Posted in Insurance
The Benefits of Executive Income Protection

The Benefits of Executive Income Protection

While there are several benefits to executive income protection insurance, many businesses are forced to balance the cost against the potential financial advantages. The keyword here is “potential”, which can sow the seeds of doubt about the full benefits. It is, therefore, no surprise to learn that many businesses are not covered by what can […]
Key Person Insurance: If You Can’t Spot the Key Person in Your Business, Maybe It’s You?

Key Person Insurance: If You Can’t Spot the Key Person in Your Business, Maybe It’s You?

Insurance policies are a critical component of both personal and business life. While public liability and professional indemnity policies are well-known and widely used, there is another policy that is often overlooked but can prove to be indispensable for your business: key person insurance. This type of insurance provides protection in the event of a […]
Posted in Insurance
Using Life Insurance To Pay Off Joint Debts

Using Life Insurance To Pay Off Joint Debts

Life insurance and a spouse’s or partner’s passing are not subjects that are easy to discuss at the breakfast table. But unfortunately, many people put off these discussions only to find they are left financially exposed if the worst happens. The concept of using life insurance to pay off joint debts is not new – […]
Posted in Insurance
When Did You Last Review Your Protection Insurance?

When Did You Last Review Your Protection Insurance?

When buying insurance cover, there is a temptation to renew continually, or some people may look to reduce their premiums. Very rarely do people stop to take account of the changes in their lives since they initially took out their cover, which can sometimes lead to problems in the future. What would you say if […]
Posted in Insurance
The Importance of Critical Illness Protection

The Importance of Critical Illness Protection

Critical illness protection is one of the most common forms of insurance in the country. Helping you and your loved ones when you need it most, it’s often taken out for peace of mind rather than due to any underlying health issues. But is critical illness protection really worth it? Let’s explore what critical illness […]
Posted in Insurance
Difference Between Life Insurance and Life Assurance

Difference Between Life Insurance and Life Assurance

Many subjects in the world of finance appear relatively straightforward, although they are often misunderstood. One is the difference between life insurance and life assurance, two terms often interchanged in the wrong context. We will now look further into these types of life cover and the various options available.   How do life insurance and […]
Posted in Insurance