Monthly Archives: November 2023


Is now the right time to invest in the stock market?

Is now the right time to invest in the stock market?

There is no simple answer to this question because while it may be the right time today, will it be the right time tomorrow? As we mentioned in one of our earlier articles, many believe the stock market looks forward at least nine months, so the financial headlines today may not necessarily correlate to future […]
Posted in Investments
How do stock markets perform in times of recession and growing economies?

How do stock markets perform in times of recession and growing economies?

At first glance, you would probably assume that markets go down in times of recession and up when economies grow. In theory, this is correct but not necessarily on the timescale you might expect, and the performance in times of recession and economic growth can be very different. Let’s explain.   How do stock markets […]
Posted in Investments
How are interest rates used to control the economy?

How are interest rates used to control the economy?

It is common knowledge that the Bank of England and other central banks use interest rates to control their economies. While not the only strategy central banks operate, it has been the go-to option for hundreds of years, a relatively blunt but effective instrument. In reality, using interest rates to control economies is a fine […]
What are third way pension products?

What are third way pension products?

Recently, we have seen an element of control given back to private pension fund holders and more flexibility in how they invest and receive their money in retirement. Many people perceive these long-term choices as fairly stark; they either move into drawdown, with an element of risk or acquire an annuity to provide an income […]
Posted in Pensions