You could do things yourself when it comes to managing your wealth and finances. You could also try fixing your car on your own, or fixing an electric problem in your house. Some people will be brilliant at doing these sorts of things on their own. For others, it’s a really bad idea which, in […]
Across the UK, millions of people in their fifties and sixties are waking up to the painful consequences of a “mid-life crisis” in savings. With wages failing to grow substantially and living costs rising, many are sleepwalking towards an uncomfortable or even impoverished retirement. Some research even suggests that as many as one in five […]
We attach great importance to buying a home. After all, this could be the place where you spend the rest of your life, raising a family and later enjoying a well-earned retirement. For most people, getting hold of their dream property will involve taking out a mortgage (unless you are one of the few who […]
Many of us started out in 2019 with a resolution to spend money more sensibly. Perhaps you are largely on track with that goal. Or, as in the case of most people, maybe not! Either way, as we approach the year’s half-way point it is usually a great time to review your spending plan, income […]