

Savings vs Investments: Where To Keep Your Money

Savings vs Investments: Where To Keep Your Money

Choosing between savings and investments is a common issue and one that requires a bit of nuance. Not every solution suits every person, and both have their own set of pros and cons.  From appealing interest rates to which approach will serve you best, what wealth managers think, and more, this article will explore the […]
Time: Is This Your Most Valuable Investment Commodity

Time: Is This Your Most Valuable Investment Commodity

While we live in a world of cutting-edge technology, new investment classes, and volatile markets, it may seem strange to suggest that time could be your most valuable investment commodity. Only when we investigate further does the actual value of time become apparent.   The value of time We will now examine different scenarios that […]
Posted in Investments
Investments, Income and Reducing Your Tax Bill

Investments, Income and Reducing Your Tax Bill

As night follows day, come the end of March and beginning of April each year, you will see many investors busy reorganising their investments, looking to reduce their tax liabilities. While you can take numerous actions in isolation, in many ways, it is the long term cumulative impact that is most important. We will now […]
Posted in Investments
What Are The Main Factors Which Will Impact House Prices In 2024?

What Are The Main Factors Which Will Impact House Prices In 2024?

The fact there is no real consensus on forecast house price movements in 2024 reflects the uncertain outlook for the UK. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) believes UK house prices will fall by 4.7% in 2024. Interestingly, Savill’s is forecasting a fall of 3% across the UK and 4% in London, broadly in line […]
What Can We Expect From Global Stock Markets In 2024?

What Can We Expect From Global Stock Markets In 2024?

As we have seen recently, predicting days or weeks in advance has been challenging for global stock markets, never mind 12 months into the future. As we approach the end of the year, often a time for reflection, it’s also a time to look to 2024 and at least be aware of expectations for global […]
Is now the right time to invest in the stock market?

Is now the right time to invest in the stock market?

There is no simple answer to this question because while it may be the right time today, will it be the right time tomorrow? As we mentioned in one of our earlier articles, many believe the stock market looks forward at least nine months, so the financial headlines today may not necessarily correlate to future […]
Posted in Investments
How do stock markets perform in times of recession and growing economies?

How do stock markets perform in times of recession and growing economies?

At first glance, you would probably assume that markets go down in times of recession and up when economies grow. In theory, this is correct but not necessarily on the timescale you might expect, and the performance in times of recession and economic growth can be very different. Let’s explain.   How do stock markets […]
Posted in Investments
Importance Of Diversification On Your Investments

Importance Of Diversification On Your Investments

Ironically, the true value of diversification only becomes relevant when it is too late. Seen by some as an overly pessimistic or passive approach to investment, ignore it at your peril. While nobody is suggesting you shouldn’t consider or act on opportunities before you, your core approach should be balanced and long-term. We will now […]
Posted in Investments
The Benefits of Discretionary Portfolio Management

The Benefits of Discretionary Portfolio Management

Investing is a complex undertaking, but there are certain methods to maximise your rewards with minimal effort on your part. Discretionary portfolio management (DFM) is a popular tool to help investors achieve this, but what are the benefits of the approach? Let’s start with a definition of DFM before exploring some of the reasons to […]
Benefits of Investing for the Longer Term

Benefits of Investing for the Longer Term

The phrase “longer-term” is subjective, as you will see if you search the Internet. Some people believe that a longer-term investment is something held for more than a year, others five years, others ten years and more. However, the concept of investing for the long term remains intact no matter the time period. If you […]
Posted in Investments